Wolf Thane

Set in an alternate universe from ‘SVfM’ Richard Brewer’s epic ‘Wolf Thane’ novel – and spin-off game using ‘SVfM’ rules are available now.

When Tho’ran, Thane of the High Wolves of Karapathia, is forced to flee to our world by the actions of his treacherous brother, Ty’ran, he crashes into the life of troubled teenager, Martin McCulloch. Despite the fact that Martin is prime carer for his mum and trying to build a relationship with his new girlfriend, Jane, he becomes involved with Tho’ran, who is trying to escape wolf assassins, sent by Ty’ran, whilst Vulgarth, a power-hungry renegade member of the mysterious ‘Old Order’, has his own evil agenda to conquer Earth.

Can Tho’ran, Martin and Jane defeat Vulgarth? Will Tho’ran resume his rightful place as leader of the High Wolves of Karapathia and how will Martin cope with the repressed memories of his violent father, which resurface during traumatic events?

CONTACT: [email protected]


Rules and background available from our website here