Georgina Talbot – Steampunk Princess

Last updated: 12 August 2012

Set in an alternate universe from ‘SVfM’ – in fact the VSF one the Vixens visit in ‘Episode 25 – Divine Wind’ – this saga involves taking actual historical characters (mainly from Victorian Bournemouth), and placing them into extraordinary ‘steampunk’ situations. Remember – sci-fi began with ‘Bournemouth girl’ Mary Shelley.
‘GTSP’ is a free-to-view writing project, aimed at encouraging literary and artistic endeavour. We (of course) hope it inspires gamers as well! So, if you’s like to contribute, please contact us. If like what you read, please in return make a charitable donation.

Presented here to download so far are :-
Georgina Talbot – Steampunk Princess – Episode One
Georgina Talbot – Steampunk Princess – Episode Two
Georgina Talbot – Steampunk Princess – Episode Thirteen
Georgina Talbot – Steampunk Princess – Episode Twenty-Four

Expect overlap with ‘SVfM’ and all sorts of lunacy. And stuff.

Remember – if it wasn’t for the British Empire the entire solar system would be run by foreigners and natives!